I need a reality check. I'm hoping you can help.
Most of the time I try not to talk about my accomplishments. Apparently I already come off as a snob (which I absolutely
hate - wish I knew what I was doing wrong), so I figure anything that might seem like bragging should be kept to myself. (Besides, there is something very gratifying about congratulating a friend on a three pound weight loss, while thinking bout the twelve pounds you dropped last month.) On occasion I'll share an especially exciting fitness achievement with my dad. Though I think I might stop. Lately, rather than being happy for me, he seems worried. He says I work out too much, which I think is ridiculous.
I've been living with an ED for so long I know my perception is skewed. I am aware that I no longer have any idea what healthy eating looks like, but it never occurred to me that the same "ED vision" could apply to exercise habits. Occasionally I'll have moments of disconnect, like when my coworkers tell me they're training to
walk a 5k (I almost laughed because I thought they were joking). Or when my parents psych themselves up for a hike over the weekend that I frequently do after work. I know I am very active, but to say I work out too much? I can't wrap my head around that.
Anyway, here is what a typical week for me looks like.
Before work:
Weight lifting - full body, vigorous, One hour
Yoga - stretching, 30 minutes to an hour
At lunch:
Walking - three miles
After work:
Outdoor cardio with pups - vigorous, at least 1.5 hours
Yoga - stretching, 30 minutes to an hour
Before work:
Walking - three miles
At lunch:
Walking - three miles
After work:
Outdoor cardio with pups
- vigorous, at least 1.5 hours
Yoga - stretching, 30 minutes to an hour
Before work:
Weight lifting - full body, vigorous, One hour
Yoga - stretching, 30 minutes to an hour
At lunch:
Walking - three miles
After work:
Outdoor cardio with pups - vigorous, at least 1.5 hours
Yoga - stretching, 30 minutes to an hour
Before work:
Walking - three miles
At lunch:
Walking - three miles
After work:
Outdoor cardio with pups
- vigorous, at least 1.5 hours
Yoga - stretching, 30 minutes to an hour
Before work:
Weight lifting - full body, vigorous, One hour
Yoga - stretching, 30 minutes to an hour
At lunch:
Walking - three miles
After work:
Outdoor cardio with pups - vigorous, usually 2-4 hours
Yoga - stretching, 30 minutes to an hour
Outdoor cardio with pups - long adventure, usually 4-12 hours
Yoga - stretching, 30 minutes to an hour
Sunday (Recovery Day)
Weight lifting - fully body, low to moderate intensity, usually 2-3 hours
Yoga - stretching, 30 minutes to an hour
Outdoor cardio with pups - low to moderate intensity, usually 1-2 hours
I realize there are some problems. I'm probably not resting enough for full muscle repair, but I do a fair job of listening to my body. If something hurts or doesn't feel right, I adjust my schedule accordingly. While I do get a little guilty over missed workouts, I'm sane enough to realize that's life. Sometimes I have appointments that can't be missed, or I need a low-intensity day during the week, and that's okay. My world doesn't end.
My diet is also honed for this type of lifestyle. I eat an enormous amount of protein, aiming for at least 100g a day (vegan protein powder is the only reason I accomplish this goal). Even while restricting my calorie intake never drops below 1,000. A normal day I'll eat somewhere between 1,500 and 1,900 calories. While this seems like a monstrous amount - my ED screams at me that I'm a glutton - I realize it's a necessity if I want to keep doing the things I love. And I
do love this workout schedule. I feel good, and strong and there is absolutely
nothing better than standing on top of a mountain, knowing I kicked its butt.
Back to the point of this insanely long post: what do you think? Is this schedule something that should be put into my secret box, tucked away with my ED? Something that never gets talked about because, oh god, they might make me stop?
I can't tell you how much your input on this matter would mean to me.